Parasites in humans: symptoms, treatment

Most people don't even think about what the body is in their lives. We're talking about the parasites. Someone thinks that because the house is not the animals, but the hand wash after each exit to the street, the invasion risk is minimal. This is not the case. According to medical statistics, parasites in the human body is present, almost 50% of the time. Worms, for example, the oldest creatures parasites in the human body. So adapted to the life in the people, often their presence is not reflected to the media, it appears that the infection is asymptomatic.

In fact, the symptoms were always there, it is important to see the warning signs. Today let's look at what symptoms indicate the presence of infection, what is the next step, to prevent infection, the treatment may be directed against the parasites, if it is detected.

parasites of the human body

The symptoms of the infection

The biggest problem is the aspect of detection of parasites in the body – the diversity of symptoms that can disturb not only the person but also the doctor, the patient asked for advice. Depending on species, location, life cycle, the parasites appear differently. Sometimes people don't notice most of the symptoms, stopping the attention to a (for example, pain, in the lungs). As a result, the patient treat the identified disease, if released, if not sent home in the absence of clinical picture.

Therefore, it is important to have a picture of your overall health, noting comprehensive changes in the state. The medicine points out that more than a dozen signs of the infection. Consider these symptoms in the form of a table.

Indicating the parasites in the body?

Symptoms What happens to the body?
Allergic reactions If the man suddenly begins to suffer from Allergy symptoms, you need to consider the parasites. The fact that the selection of pests toxic, and the body's immune system is able to respond to the production of a greater amount of defensive cells, in turn, causes irritation, and allergies.
Pain, muscles, joints Parasites can live in the connective tissue, synovial fluid, muscles. Move because of pain, which many attributed to arthritis, injury, or tension. In fact pain in muscles, joints indicate inflammation resulting from the activity of the parasites.
Anemia Protozoa living in the human bloodstream, feeding the cells that can cause significant losses. Anemia caused by parasites, sucking the nutrients the intestines of the host, including iron.
Headache Regularly headache, dizziness, nausea indication of intoxication of the organism because of parasite infections.
It is unreasonable to reduce/increase the weight Lack of because of the weight of the internal consumers of food, who eat the same as people. Increasing the weight associated with the fact that the body, on the contrary, loses its nutrients, people are constantly experiencing a spike in blood sugar and feeling hungry.
Sleep disorders Frequent awakenings, nervous, light sleep, often associated with parasite infection. The liver is trying to cleanse the toxic substances secreted by the parasites, and usually the activity falls in the middle of the night. Furthermore, the person concerned may be the itching of the anus, not giving to sleep.
Bruxism (grinding teeth during sleep) Bruxism is one of the symptoms of infection of the parasite, especially common in children. It is believed that the nerve endings to react, intoxication, or inflammation.
Itching of the anus Helminths often manifest themselves by itching of the anus, most often this phenomenon occurs in children.
Violations of the chair Constipation or diarrhea possible symptoms indicates that the parasites living in the intestines. Constipation is related to the fact that severe infections can lead to blockage, of the intestinal canal, the diarrhoea.
Bowel irritation If the inflammation of the walls of the body, the parasites provoke cider irritable bowel. This process inhibits the absorption of nutrients, and also makes it impossible for the absorption of fats from the correct class, that the spasms of pain.
Flatulence Bloating, feeling full, bloated abdomen is a strong sign of the presence of parasites in the body. Pay attention to this phenomenon is necessary if the gas happens regardless of the meal.
Skin problems Rash, acne, eczema, dermatitis, and other rashes on the skin – a sign that the body is infected with parasites. The results of the activity have a negative effect on the digestive system, which inevitably is the "transmission" of the skin.
Disorders of the nervous system Irritability, nervousness, depression, feelings of gloom may be symptoms of the infection. Systematic poisoning of the body leads to disorders of the nervous system, especially the figure appropriate for children. Unreasonable crying, whims, fears, can be quite a "physical" background.
Chronic fatigue Apathy, lethargy, unwillingness to carry out even minimal physical activity – "Hello" the body is suffering from toxicity and deficiency of nutrients which the parasites are stealing.
Decreased immunity Common viral, bacterial diseases, disorders of the microflora, colds, infections – the symptoms of invasion. Parasites weaken the immune system, reduces the production of immunoglobulin.
General symptoms, the health, the pain, the different bodies Depending on the localization of the parasites negatively affect the body: lungs, heart, brain, liver or pancreas.
The development of tumors, formations The above symptoms, especially in combination, to provoke the appearance of a variety of tumors, including cancer. Depleted parasites, the body is unable to cope with the growth.
diagnosis of parasites

The above symptoms are rare, for a moment, for that to happen, a parasitic infestation need to be very strong. But the combination of the three or four things are happening all over the place. Look at, for example, the specific infections:

  1. Ascarids – intestinal pain, the diseases, the chair, the disorder of the liver, pancreas.
  2. Diagnosed, the burning sensation and itching around the anus, diarrhea, flatulence, bruxism, nervous system disorders, loss of appetite, headache.
  3. Lantecy – weight loss, allergic reactions, decreased immunity, intestinal disease.

Diagnosis of parasites

If a person find yourself or your loved ones some of the above symptoms, it is advisable to examine to be sure that the parasites detected in the body. This may be referred to the general practitioner (or your child's doctor, if we're talking about the child) to the appropriate destination. Usually the officer writes out the directions in the analysis of blood, saliva, stool.

Modern medicine also offers immunological test parasitic infection, as well as comprehensive studies show that a particular group of parasites. Unfortunately, these complex analyses are paid you can go to the private clinics. But the results clearly to the particular species of pests, which allows you to order the appropriate treatment.

There's no cure, both equally effectively influencing each group of parasites. In appointing the drug must take into account the developmental stages of the pest, since the drug is active, the egg can't find the adults. Thus begins the therapy, if you have been analysis, and the definitions. Usually the doctors more types of drugs, which are described below.

Treatment of parasitic infection

Anti-parasitic agents, the existing, the current, broad-spectrum activity, i.e. cover several types of parasitic organism in human beings. However, as already mentioned, any drug, a specific activity, and is assigned after the diagnosis. However, the medical Arsenal in the case if you are infected, approximately a dozen vehicles (the analogues), which are proven safe and effective.

The first group of drugs used in the detection of the body of round worms, parasites, helminths. The drugs they prescribed, if the person is infected with these parasites, such as tablets, ascarids, vlasoglavy, Trichinella, etc.

The second group of drugs are effective against tape worms cestodes tapeworms. These include the broad tapeworm, trematodes, dwarf, pig, bovine tapeworm – these parasites are the most common.

It is understood that if the infection with parasites is a family member, the likelihood is 99% of the other household members of carriers of these pests. Accordingly, it should be subjected to diagnostic, treatment is recommended for the whole family. The same applies to the smaller groups, people closely communicating with each other (kindergarten, for example).

The traditional methods to get rid of the parasites

the traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of the parasites is significantly complicated by the fact that the process of life is to constantly multiply, so the human body, at the same time, there are eggs, larvae, and adults. Reception of the pharmaceutical products are usually only repeated within 10-14 days to rid the body of individuals who grow up during this time. Also good option is a subsidiary of, folk treatment, can support the traditional medical treatment.

The treatment of parasites in pet methods, talk to your doctor. Not all recipes are as safe, depending on the age and condition of the patient, may be incorrect.

We offer several popular recipes, proven over the years, and the largest number of positive reviews, who back the parasites.

Tincture of wormwood. Tablespoons chopped dry sage pour 100 ml of alcohol and insist, that's two weeks in a cool, dark place. the liquid is then filtered or consumed three times a day 20 drops before meals.

Shorty. Unsalted, fresh, peeled pumpkin seeds (300 g) ground in a coffee grinder, then combine with honey or water (1:1). The mixture should be eating on an empty stomach, and then another three hours to eat, then you need to take a laxative. The fact that pumpkin seeds contain special substance that paralyzes the pests temporarily deprive them of the opportunity to be attached to the walls of the organs.

Mushroom tincture. It is advisable to use porcini or chanterelles, as they contain a substance that can kill both the adult worms, larvae. A handful of fresh mushrooms, pour a glass of vodka and insist for two weeks, and then the liquid filter, drink a teaspoon before going to bed. Of course, this method is not suitable for pregnant women and children.

Rind of a pomegranate. 50 grams of fresh pomegranate skin pour two cups of boiling water, and boil the fire, until the liquid reduces in volume by half. Infusion after drinking a sip, a half-hour later, the laxatives. Four hours refrain from food. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended enema.

The decoction of clove. Dry clove or a ground powder, a teaspoon of which pour a glass of boiling water, and then warm in a water bath of minutes, then cover with a lid, insist half an hour. It is the infusion of fresh, a teaspoon three times a day, half a HR before a meal.

Get rid of the parasites, the traditional methods will be more effective if you work in the building. First, you should see a doctor, the tests and learn the results. This is followed by the pharmaceutical drug, should be strictly according to the prescribed system. Pre-discuss with your doctor the desire that people's recipes, together with you determine the best option. The last step to a cure is prevention. We will talk about below.

The infection prevention

Significant role in the preventive activities designed to reduce the risk of infection, hygiene. Even adults who are aware of the need to respect the rules of hygiene is often neglected. Meanwhile, the doctors insist that the preventive measures halve the risk of infection. The hygiene standards required of the children and the adults, are the following:

  1. Thorough hand washing with soap (after each arrival in the street, contact with animals).
  2. Treatment hand disinfectant gel or wipes.
  3. Lower daily (previously to be lifted the hot iron).
  4. Weekly change of linens (wash in hot water).
prevention of parasites

The child should be taught not to swallow the filthy hands, don't share food with peers, biting into each other. The children need to explain the danger, the income of the impurities, bacteria and parasites. Especially carefully it is necessary to wash your hands after working on the ground recreation.

Daily precaution parasites can be added to foods hot spices, spices – most pests don't like. It is recommended to eat onions, garlic, to use when cooking pepper, cloves, horseradish.

Summary of

Regular maintenance and attention to the small signs of the infection – simple rules to protect the whole family in trouble. Personal hygiene, food preparation, control of children, and domestic animals should be regarded as the greatest responsibility. Take care of your health!